Stop The Clocks Team Building

Stop the Clocks
  • Stop the Clocks
  • Stop the Clocks Activities
  • Stop the Clocks Activity
  • Stop the Clocks Challenge
  • Stop the Clocks Challenges
  • Stop the Clocks Event
  • Stop the Clocks Events
  • Stop the Clocks Experience
  • Stop the Clocks Experiences
  • Stop the Clocks Team Building
  • Stop the Clocks Team Day
  • Stop the Clocks Team Event
Rating 5.0 of 5

Activity Details

  • Race against the clock
  • Multiple skill challenges
  • Lowest time wins
  • Mental & physical tasks

It’s a race against time in this fun, fast paced Stop the Clocks team building activity, that helps demonstrate effective teamwork as groups work together to complete tasks as quickly and accurately as possible. With some friendly competition, this showstopping event will help the employees bond while having fun!

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What’s Included

  • Receive a briefing as to how the day will run
  • A fun, fast paced activity that will allow a little healthy competition between teams
  • Each team will be allocated a colour coded clock
  • Time flies when you’re having fun!
  • Teams are given a variety of mental, skill and physical challenges to complete as fast as possible
  • Once each team have finished a task, a member must run to the front and stop the clock
  • The group who have the lowest accumulated time at the end of the day will be the winning team
  • Medals will be given for 1st & 2nd place
  • Fully managed event

Event Format

On the day, the event will begin with a short briefing on how the day will run from your activity co-ordinator. They will then split the room up into smaller teams before assigning each team a colour-coded clock. This will be used to measure how much time each team takes to complete the tasks and challenges given to them.

A member of the team will hit the clock when you start a task or challenge and will do the same again once you’ve completed it. After the facilitator has checked that you’ve completed the activity correctly, they will award you points based on how much time it took you to complete it.

At the end of the day, your facilitator will total up the amount of time each team has accumulated through completing each challenge, awarding first and second place medals to the two quickest teams, crowning them the winners of the day.

Groups are given a range of mental, physical and skill challenges throughout the Stop the Clocks experience that they must complete as fast as possible. Once they have successfully completed a challenge one member must run to the clock and stop the timer, the instructor will then come over and check that you have the correct answer, but if your answer is incorrect then your time will start again.

Points will be awarded after each challenge is complete and the grouping who finishes the challenge first will receive the highest points. At the end of the day the group with the most points will be the winners!

The games can include:

Construction Challenges

  • Ballista Build
  • Cranium
  • Blindfold Tent Build
  • Egg Flirt
  • Konstuction


  • Nail Challenge
  • Rope Challenge
  • Diffuse the Bomb
  • Block Puzzle
  • Total Recall
  • Grandmas Journey

Team Relays

  • Pyramids of Egypt
  • Wacky Relay
  • Ball & Buckets
  • Box and Planks
  • Chariots of Fire


  • Catapult Sponges
  • Riddles
  • Magic Eye
  • Table Top Challenges
  • Spaghetti Bridge
  • Entrapment
  • Memory Bank

Finale - Mummy Run!


Write a review

    Overall Experience
Rating 5.0
Sally Nicholson
2nd August 2019
It went really well thanks really enjoyable and well organised, I am looking to book again in November for one of my teams in Leicester so I will be back in touch!
Rating 5.0
Isabel Forman
12th July 2019
We had a great time. The event was a success, so much so they were asking if we could do this for them every month, (not going to happen
Rating 5.0
25th June 2019
It was more of a success that I thought it would be to be honest.

Everyone raved about the team building (and evening drinks).

Thanks again for you efforts.
Rating 5.0
19th June 2019
The mix of activities was really good, and there were a few comments like it was the best activity they’d ever done. The team were great, I’ve forgotten his name, was it Dan but he was in control and funny and authoritative and ran it really well. The team were all lovely and helpful and offered to stay back and clean up so we could leave at the end which was appreciated. They also helped us when we got stuck, which was very often, we weren’t great.

The tasks were all brilliant, as they were all different, interesting and snappy. The newspaper search, marshmallow tower, balloons etc. were all fun and interesting. Thanks for a great afternoon and all your help in organising it for us.
Rating 5.0
10th May 2017
This was organised for our combined sales force company team day. Held at our main site, they brought all the equipment and staff to run a success day. The team challenges were varied and fun. Everyone was talking about it for a good few days after the event.