Team Building in Sunderland

Team Building in Sunderland

Smartphone Urban Treasure Hunt

Smartphone Urban Treasure Hunt

  • Explore your location
  • Self-run, start anytime
  • Great value, app technology
  • Team challenges & puzzles
Smartphone Pub Treasure Hunt

Smartphone Pub Treasure Hunt

  • Fully organised pub quiz hunt
  • Self run – start any time
  • Test general pub knowledge
  • Hilarious team challenges
The Ultimate Treasure Hunt

The Ultimate Treasure Hunt

  • The best of the best
  • Exciting trivia & quizzes
  • Huge variety of challenges
  • GPS smartphone app
Outdoor Escape Rooms

Outdoor Escape Rooms

  • Outdoor escape rooms
  • Improves problem solving
  • Interactive fun host
  • Tasks, clues, Immersive challenges
GPS: Spy School

GPS: Spy School

  • Spy themed challenges
  • Self run – start any time
  • Great value, latest technology
  • GPS and image recognition
Smartphone Christmas Treasure Hunt

Smartphone Christmas Treasure Hunt

  • Pub quiz & bar crawl in one
  • Self-run, so start anytime
  • Great value, app technology
  • Perfect for Christmas parties
GPS: Space Survival

GPS: Space Survival

  • Space-themed challenges
  • Activity Co-ordinator
  • Explore the city centre
  • Fun & Competitive

Sunderland Team Building Ideas

Make use of the unique and effective experiences that come with team building in Sunderland. No matter what type of business you are, ideas can develop soft skills, help staff retention and motivate all your employees. If you want creative workshops or icebreakers to bring new staff together, you’ve come to the right place. Effortlessly keep your staff spirits high with a fun away day outside of the workplace.

Team Building Activities in Sunderland

Situated on the North East coast at the mouth of the River Wear, Sunderland is a conveniently short distance away from Newcastle and Durham, making it a good contender for companies in the surrounding area if you’re looking for somewhere new and interesting to host your next away day.

An activities day is essential to building an maintaining a successful business. By promoting a positive and healthy work ethic combined with motivating and encouraging your team, it’s a guaranteed way to improve productivity, which in turn, creates a better organisation.

Regardless of what your desired outcome is, or if you have an idea of what you want to get out of your next away day, we have over 100 activities for you to choose from!

Top 10 Team Building Activities in Sunderland

1. Treasure Hunts

Take your staff on an adventure with challenges and puzzles using the latest smartphone technology. Hotspots on the map will keep the groups busy for a few hours.

2. Chain Reaction

Band together to create a crazy contraption that must work from start to finish! Communication is the key to this event.

3. Retro Showdown

Go back to the old days with a host of old school gameshow games like Catchphrase and Generation Game.

4. Pub Olympics

Take the edge off with a selection of classic games from air hockey to table football. Fun event for parties at your office or at a venue.

5. Commercial Teambreak

Work to create an exciting TV advert using the kit provided. Equipment included, choose roles and work together for a flawless set.

6. Smartphone Pub Treasure Hunt

Get exploring whilst answering trivia questions, completing tasks and competing with other teams using the live scoreboard on the app.

7. Challenge 100

Take your pick from a selection of tasks and challenges depending on difficulty, trying to complete them as quickly as possible!

8. Masterpiece Challenge

Work together to complete smaller sections of a larger painting then once completed they are put together to reveal a masterpiece.

9. The Trading Floor

Feel like you're on Wall Street as you buy, sell and invest in the right stocks to earn the highest profit of the day.

10. Escape the Box

Put your heads together in a race against time to see if you can complete 12 challenges in this escape room style event.

Food & Drink Activities in Sunderland

Are Food & Drink Activities Good for Mixed Groups?

Get creative and try something completely unique with one of our food and drink-related activities. This is a great way to take a break, relax and get to chat to your colleagues/­employees while still having a memorable evening.

Indoor Team Building Events in Sunderland

How Effective Are Indoor Team Building Activities?

If you’re looking to tailor your next away day towards soft skill development and encouraging creativity, we recommend that you look into hosting your next activity day indoors. Not only do we have a wide range of options available to you, but it’s a great way to prevent your day from being spoilt by the weather!

Outdoor Team Building Events in Sunderland

What are the Advantages of Outdoor Activities?

Looking to get out in the open, or planning on hosting an event with a large group? Whatever the motive is, booking your next activities outdoors is a smart choice if you’re unsure about how much space your group is going to need.


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