Team Building in Derby

Team Building in Derby

Smartphone Urban Treasure Hunt

Smartphone Urban Treasure Hunt

  • Explore your location
  • Self-run, start anytime
  • Great value, app technology
  • Team challenges & puzzles
Smartphone Pub Treasure Hunt

Smartphone Pub Treasure Hunt

  • Fully organised pub quiz hunt
  • Self run – start any time
  • Test general pub knowledge
  • Hilarious team challenges
The Ultimate Treasure Hunt

The Ultimate Treasure Hunt

  • The best of the best
  • Exciting trivia & quizzes
  • Huge variety of challenges
  • GPS smartphone app
Outdoor Escape Rooms

Outdoor Escape Rooms

  • Outdoor escape rooms
  • Improves problem solving
  • Interactive fun host
  • Tasks, clues, Immersive challenges
GPS: Spy School

GPS: Spy School

  • Spy themed challenges
  • Self run – start any time
  • Great value, latest technology
  • GPS and image recognition
Smartphone Christmas Treasure Hunt

Smartphone Christmas Treasure Hunt

  • Pub quiz & bar crawl in one
  • Self-run, so start anytime
  • Great value, app technology
  • Perfect for Christmas parties
GPS: Space Survival

GPS: Space Survival

  • Space-themed challenges
  • Activity Co-ordinator
  • Explore the city centre
  • Fun & Competitive

Derby Team Building Ideas

Do you want to provide your office with something that will improve morale and motivation as well as increase staff retention? Team building in Derby will be the perfect addition to your whole experience. Head outside and get your staff involved in an active and enjoyable energiser. Or stay indoors and just take them out of the office for a fun creative energiser. All of your employers and staff will be sure to enjoy all of the Derby team building ideas.

Team Building Activities in Derby

If you’re a Midlands-based company looking for somewhere a bit different and situated conveniently in the middle of the country, then you should be considering Derby for your next activity day.

Workshops are being recognised as a fundamental part of building and maintaining good staff relations and overall morale.

Many companies across the UK are realising this importance and are increasingly hosting more event days to keep their staff on the right track. Plus there are now virtual team building games.

Derby is a great choice if you’re looking for somewhere a bit less hectic than the major cities that surround it. Due to its convenient location right in the middle of busy urban centres such as Manchester, Sheffield and Birmingham (to name a few!), it’s a great choice for companies that are looking for a change of scenery.

Top 10 Team Building Activities in Derby

1. Treasure Hunts

Split into groups to complete various tasks and challenges around the city with a hugely popular smartphone treasure hunt, incorporating the latest tech advances to make the experience as enjoyable as possible.

2. Chain Reaction

Put your staff's problem solving, communication and collaborative skills to the ultimate test as they attempt to design and build small sections of an overall faultless chain reaction in groups.

3. Retro Showdown

See if you have got what it takes to battle it out with one another across various entertaining challenges based around old school shows such as Catchphrase, Wheel of Fortune and Bullseye!

4. Pub Olympics

Compete head-to-head in a series of fun and classic games such as Table Tennis, Air Hockey and Giant Jenga. Fun event for any ages.

5. Ultimate Game Show

Try out a fun and unique experience as you go through entertaining rounds that include a range of different interactive games to earn points.

6. Battle of Olympus

With inspiration from the Olympic games, you will battle it out against each other in various physical challenges to collect points and have the highest overall score to be crowned the winners.

7. Smartphone Pub Treasure Hunt

Make your way around Derby as you answer pub trivia related questions & solve puzzles whilst popping into pubs along the way. Earn points & move to the top of the live leader board!

8. Smartphone Urban Treasure Hunt

Use your smartphone devices and head outside to unlock hotspots that will give you different challenges and puzzles to complete and earn points.

9. Stop the Clocks

Choose from a selection of challenges, puzzles and relays to compete in against the clock, encouraging teamwork under time pressure whilst remaining light-hearted and fun for everybody!

10. Challenge 100

Test your ability to work under pressure and mental agility by completing a variety of tasks for points in a race to be the best.

Food & Activities in Derby

Are Food & Drink Activities Good for Mixed Groups?

If you’re stuck for ideas for your next away day, or you’re just looking for something simple and enjoyable for everybody to take part in, then a food & drink activity is a fantastic option.

These particular activities are a great way to get everybody involved regardless of skill or prior knowledge, not to mention the fact that they’re very easy to plan and organise too.

Whether it’s cooking or making cocktails, this is a great way to get your team chatting and remove the stress of the work environment.

Indoor Team Building Events in Derby

How Effective Are Indoor Team Building Activities?

If you’re looking to book your next activity day but you’re not sure about how the weather will turn out, your safest bet would be to host an indoor event. There’s a huge selection of problem solving and activities for you and your staff to take part in and enjoy without having to worry about the rain!

Outdoor Team Building Events in Derby

What are the Advantages of Outdoor Activities?

Outdoor activities are a great way to get your company into a new environment away from the usual workspace. There is a great selection of outdoor activities for you to consider for your next away day, especially if you’re looking to test physical ability or just want to get out and enjoy the sun!

What Will Team Bonding Activities Achieve?

It is a fundamental part of organising an activity day that you tailor your activities to what you want to get out of your day, whether you’re looking for a relaxing ice breaker or more intense activities that showcase skill-based talents or anything in-between.

Create & Innovate

Motivate your staff and get their creative thoughts flowing with something fun like creative activities in or outside of the office.

Wellness & Well-Being

Looking after your staff's wellness and well-being is important for all the other soft skills and development points, so open dialogue and get to know everyone to create a safe and open space.

Positive Team Dynamics

Get your staff moving as one by developing positive dynamics within your whole team, and extinguishing any issues there may be to improve people’s happiness and work output in the work place.


We know an office would fall flat without productivity, so make sure you’re consistently developing this skill across your staff with positive actions and activities.

Work Ethic

Effective and engaging means stronger work ethic, which then breeds productivity and in turn will create loyalty for the company within the work place.

Don't forget about other crucial soft skills worth developing - Communication, Collaborative, Problem Solving, Loyalty, Leadership, etc.


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Reviews for Derby

Rating 4.0
Katie Steed
16th October 2019
I wasn't actually at the event, but I've heard great things so it seemed to go great!