Team Building in Coventry

Team Building in Coventry

Smartphone Urban Treasure Hunt

Smartphone Urban Treasure Hunt

  • Explore your location
  • Self-run, start anytime
  • Great value, app technology
  • Team challenges & puzzles
Smartphone Pub Treasure Hunt

Smartphone Pub Treasure Hunt

  • Fully organised pub quiz hunt
  • Self run – start any time
  • Test general pub knowledge
  • Hilarious team challenges
The Ultimate Treasure Hunt

The Ultimate Treasure Hunt

  • The best of the best
  • Exciting trivia & quizzes
  • Huge variety of challenges
  • GPS smartphone app
Outdoor Escape Rooms

Outdoor Escape Rooms

  • Outdoor escape rooms
  • Improves problem solving
  • Interactive fun host
  • Tasks, clues, Immersive challenges
GPS: Spy School

GPS: Spy School

  • Spy themed challenges
  • Self run – start any time
  • Great value, latest technology
  • GPS and image recognition
Smartphone Christmas Treasure Hunt

Smartphone Christmas Treasure Hunt

  • Pub quiz & bar crawl in one
  • Self-run, so start anytime
  • Great value, app technology
  • Perfect for Christmas parties
GPS: Space Survival

GPS: Space Survival

  • Space-themed challenges
  • Activity Co-ordinator
  • Explore the city centre
  • Fun & Competitive

Coventry Team Building Ideas

Add something into your team building in Coventry that will not only increase your staff retention but also your morale! With the huge variety of activities and ideas available you will be able to find the perfect addition to your away day. Get problem solving, bond your employees and have some fun out of the office in an experience that everyone will enjoy. There are some amazing Coventry team building ideas for everyone.

Team Building Activities in Coventry

Known for its medieval cathedral, Coventry will provide you with an unforgettable bonding experience. Sitting nicely around Birmingham, Northampton and Leicester, you can get to this city easily from almost anywhere in the UK.

Throughout Coventry you will realise that you can go there for almost anything whether it’s a bite to eat, some entertainment, shopping or of course team building activities. If your business is based in Coventry or you just fancy heading over for your away day experience you will be in for a treat.

Team building over the years has become extremely popular and equally so has Coventry. With a huge variety of activities, ideas and venues available you will be certain to be planning an extremely successful event here from the outset.

Top 10 Team Building Activities in Coventry

1. Treasure Hunts

Working in groups, complete challenges, quizzes and tasks as you make your way through your treasure hunt. It could be a pub, city, spy school etc.

2. Chain Reaction

Encourage your staff to use their communication and problem solving skills as they work in smaller groups to build sections of a chain reaction which hopefully successfully work together at the end.

3. Stop the Clocks

This fun and competitive activity is perfect for your employees if you are after showing the importance of teamwork as they try to beat the clock.

4. Masterpiece Challenge

Bring out your employees creative side with an opportunity that will improve their communication skills. Draw individual pictures when bring together to make something unique.

5. Pub Olympics

With a variety of classic pub games the workforce will go head to head. Games include pool tables, table tennis, darts etc.

6. Mission Possible

Test your employees physical and mental abilities as they attempt to crack codes and take on physical/skill based challenges with the aim to diffuse a bomb (a fake one).

7. Battle of Olympus

This activity is filled to the brim with fun Olympic themed physical challenges such as a tug of war competition and various assault courses, with the bonus of a prize for the winning squad!

8. Superhero Challenge

Dress up as superheroes and be big kids for the day as you and you colleagues take on challenging assault courses and giant inflatables that test physical abilities whilst collecting energy bars along the way.

9. Retro Showdown

Perfect for both small and large workplaces, enjoy some classic retro game shows in a fully managed event.

10. Crystal Maze

Inspired from the 80's this away day activity is full of zones and mental and physical tasks. Finish with a classic dome finale.

Food & Drink Activities in Coventry

Are Food & Drink Activities Good for Mixed Groups?

Bring your staff together with a food or drink activity. Without even realising it, you probably plan quite a few food or drink related social events with your employees. So including them into your event planning is a no brainer really.

It can be something creative or something as simple as an organised sit down meal, either way these activities are always extremely effective.

Indoor Team Building Events in Coventry

How Effective Are Indoor Team Building Activities?

The weather in the UK has a thing for ruining plans, so make sure you are one step ahead by planning your event with some indoor Coventry team building activities. This way you will have something to look forward to whether the weather is good or bad! We can also provide you with virtual team activities if you are planning an event where everyone is working from home.

Outdoor Team Building Events in Coventry

What are the Advantages of Outdoor Activities?

Get your staff out of the office and bring them to an outdoor and competitive event. Perfect to give them a change from being cooped up inside 9-5, 7 days a week. Instead they can enjoy the fresh air and get physical and active, or mental and challenging in an experience that all of your staffwill love!

What Will Team Bonding Activities Achieve?

When it comes to figuring out exactly what bonding activities achieve you need to decide your own specific goals that you want to meet. From that the opportunities are endless.


Key in activities, but also an essential key soft skill to have in the business. All our experiences are built to encourage communication between co-workers in a fun environment.


Working together is important in everything we do, so look for activities that you can really get the whole staff involved with and enjoying their time together.

Positive Team Dynamics

Get your employees moving as one by developing positive dynamics within your whole staff, and extinguishing any issues there may be to improve people’s happiness and work output in the work place.


We know a company would fall flat without productivity, so make sure you’re consistently developing this skill across your colleagues with positive actions and activities.

Work Ethic

Effective and engaging work relationships means stronger work ethic, which then breeds productivity and in turn will create loyalty for the company within the work place.

Including other soft skills worth developing - Create & Innovate, Wellness & Well-being, Positive Dynamics, Productivity, Work Ethic


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